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Ever wondered why Linux instructions are so difficult? It is because, although English is a European language, most 'FAQs' (that means 'questions that people are always asking') are written in AMERICAN ENGLISH rather than EUROPEAN ENGLISH! To simplify matters and make the joys of Linux available to a wider audience we have translated an installation process from the original American into Dutch, French, German and Italian, then back into English using the very latest translation software, making it easy for all the people of Europe (even Mr Bugatti)to understand. Here is our translated version of

How to Install Linux 

Creates the disks of the ship and the root (this scooter are necessary only if you do not know the ship of a CD-ROM.) Its Linux CD Rome can come with AIDS mechanism, which you verwurzeln to plates with the interactive report of stressing by the procedure or take the ship of the dent thing, in a woman's car, and will save becomes. These can be a program for the mechanism MS-DOS (such an ash the redhat.exe hat program) or a manuscript of UNIX, or all two. If you can use yourselves property a such program and it, you would have to only read the peace or this sous section to the information information. Implement the program to make around the real mechanism its authors known certainly more regarding the specific distribution that I and you will avoid many stages the error prone hand entrance.

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To make Linux boat disk HOWTO see the more detailed information about boat disks.

Their first scooter will consist of selecting a picture of the ship start-up disk, in order to adapt your material. If you must make this by hand, you will determine generally that or other (A) more ootdiskbilder on your CD-ROM in a kind are called, from you to select will help correctly, or (B) it gives an index to traffic blocked to describe each picture completely close. Afterwards you must create disks of the ootdiskbildes, which you selected, and on option of the pictures of the release plate. There is, where exe of the rawrite program of MS-DOS inherits the play. Afterwards you must of the disks, which are compound by MS-DOS of a strong m-density by property two or three (they must be or the same type; there is, if your flexible order of the ship of the 3,5 are "ordered, the two disks must the 3,5" plates at high density be.) They will use themselves exe of RAWRITE., in order to write more ootdiskbilder the disks. Call without the argument as this: C: \ RAWRITE answer the report of stressing for the malicious or traffic blocking, in order to write and the disk, in order to write it (like ash has:). RAWRITE will copy traffic blocking, bloquer par bloque, directly at the disk. Uses themselves in addition RAWRITE for the picture of the root plate (such an ash COLOR144). If you are made, them of the disks of property two: one contains the ship plate, the other container the root plate.

It states that these two disks will be no longer readable by MS-DOS (they are `` from the disks of ' ' the format of Linux, in a certain sense). They can use themselves the orders of the double density (1) on a system of UNIX to make the same work (for this you will need job of UNIX with a flexible order or of courses.) For example at a place of work of the sun with the flexible order over device/dev/rfd0 you can use yourselves the order: $ of the eibe of=/dev/rfd0 obs=18k of double density must supply you the appropriate length argument of block of the yield (the argument of generic terms `) on some jobs (for example the suns) or this will fail. If you of the property problems the man side for the double density (1) to be can are instructive. It is sure that you use the disks all again it and without errors. The disks do not have property blocks prayed on them. That you do not have to run Linux or MS-DOS m in order Linux determines to install. However Linux functioning or MS-DOS m simplify it, in order to create the disks of the ship and the root of your CD-ROM. If you cannot just use property a system software on their machine you someone the awl e Linux or the MS-DOS m, to create and install there over the disks.

 Repartitioning that your DOS/Windows, which is already dedicated to the partitions for the MS-DOS on the majority of of the used systems, which hard order was led, OS/2 and and so on. They must shift these partitions on the coast, in order to make the area for Linux. If you will use a system of binary, one recommends to it much that you read or several or the mini howtos following, which describes different configurations of binary. Le DOS-Win95-OS2-Linux mini howto. Le Linux+Win95 mini howto. Linux+NT Loader mini howto, even if they are not directly applicable to your system, will help it you the implied exits to cover. Certain Linuxes will install MS-DOS on a yearbook on your partition. (there is different that installing of a partition MS-DOS.) Instead of you use that `` the UMSDOS traffic block yourselves ' ' from system, which permits you to treat a list of names or your partition ash of MS-DOS Linux the system traffic block. In this way it not property at the distribution your order. I only suggest, by using this method, if your order has already four partitions (the maximum supported by DOS) and repartitioning, would be more problems that it in value is (it slows your Linux down, which is to due to overheads trafic bloquer méchants the translation). Or, if it, because, in order Linux is to be tried repartitioning, it a good kind of making thus. But mostly you would have regarding the partition, completely described by ash.

If it flat to use itself UMSDOS you are not he bases completely only supply in detail completely. From now on we assume that you do not use yourselves UMSDOS, and that it repartitioning. A partition is fairly a section, or the hard order sets from side for a special system software at the use. If only installed MS-DOS of the m-property, your hard order has you probably just a partition completely for the MS-DOS. Around itself Linux to use however will need you distribution the order, so that them partition of the property for the MS-DOS and one (or more) for Linux.

The partitions come into three taste: extended and logical primary school. The primary partitions are short or the four main partitions on your order. However, if you wish more than four partitions to the property by the order, you must replace the primary load partition with an extended partition, which can contain many logical partitions. They store directly no data on one extend partition are only ash, which was used by container for the logical partitions. Data are stored only on the primary or logical partitions. Over from this other way to to draw the majority of the persons only the primary partitions uses itself. However, if you need more than four partitions on an order, create an extended partition. Logical partitions result to you on the surface or the extended partition and there then property more from four partitions from the order.

It states that you can install easily Linux on the second order on your system (ash admitted D: at the MS-DOS). They indicate simply the malicious appropriate device, by creating partitions of Linux. This are below described in detail. Again on repartitioning your order. It was to be destroyed that there was no kind to shift on the coast of partitions without the data on them. Today there is a division use, which can shift harmful on the coast destructivelydestructively; they know to find the structure or traffic blocking of the systems, can the free area on traffic blocking the system and know to traffic blocking of the data on the partition over to shift to shift in order to shift the free area, where them must be over one, on the coast which can be worked correctly. One still suggests it that you make a full protection, before you use yourselves or these, if or program or human error. Under Linux GNU separate permits you to destroy to shift on the coast and create partitions to copy.

It supports ext2, FAT16 and FAT32 file system, exchange devices of Linux; he knows likewise plate labels of MS-DOS. Is separately useful, in order to create the area for a new system software to copy the use of the plate date between the non removable disks and the education plate picture reorganized. One reported over that it rather new code are, but functions out-pours and not to waste data. It gives a more repartitioner destroying destructivedestructive from available plate for MS-DOS with the designation FIPS. With PAP Platteoptimiseur (such a speed plate of Norton of ash), and a little or the luck would have to be able to shift you on the coast of partitions MS-DOS, without destroying the data on them. The older method or on the coast a partition to shift, if you do not consist this available by the authors, who shift one on the partition coast of property, or of it, the partition (s) to abolish and repair it with closer sizes. If you use yourselves this method, you must one of assistance of it over absolutely save or for your data make. The classical kind of changing partitions is with the fdisk program. Say for example that it property the MS-DOS dedicated hard order of 80 Megohm. They would like to double it in half---40 of mégabytes for the MS-DOS and 40 mégabytes for Linux. Over this to make you run FDISK under the MS-DOS, create the partition MS-DOS from 80 Megohm and restore a partition MS-DOS of 40 Megohm in their place.

They can build then the new partition and use your software for that up MS-DOS of the protection again. 40 megabytes or the order are left emptiness. Later you create partitions of Linux on the unused part or the order. Briefly you would have to make following, in order to shift on the coast partitions MS-DOS with FDISK: Made a full protection or your system. A disk creates ship-able MS-DOS, by using an order such an ash FORMAT/AG: The CoPy traffic blocking exe of FDISK. and the representative of the COM of the FORMAT at this disk, good ash ash all other use, which you need, (for example use to recover around your system of the protection.) Ship the disk of the system MS-DOS. FDISK, which probably indicates the order, runs in order to change (such an ash C: or D:). uses itself the fdisk Menueoptionen, in order to abolish the partitions, which wish you to shift on the coast. This will destroy all data on the partitions concerned. Uses itself the fdisk Menueoptionen, in order to repair these partitions with closer sizes. Come out FDISK and restrukturieren the new partitions with the order for format. The original re-establishes traffic blocking of the protection. It determines that fdisk Ms DOS will give you an option, over `` a logical order for DOS to create ' '. A logical order for DOS is fairly a logical partition on your hard order. They can install Linux on a logical partition, but you, because this logical partition with fdisk the that create MS-DOS. Thus, if you use yourselves momentarily a logical order for DOS and, because, in order to install Linux in its place, you would have to abolish the logical order with fdisk Ms DOS, and (later), create a logical partition for Linux in their place. The mechanism, which was used at the distribution for OS/2 and other system software, are similar. The documentation for this system software for details sees.

Must create partitions for Linux after repartitioning, their order you and partitions for Linux to create. To describe before, as at settled which we will tallow regarding the partitions and that of file system under Linux.

The establishments of partition the Linux required, ate smaller a partition, block for the root traffic the system, which will run the grain from Linux themselves. They can think or traffic blocking the system ash, which built a partition up for Linux. File system are used, around to function traffic blocking. Each system must property that a root traffic blocks the system, eaten slightly. However, many users prefer it to use itself the file system one multiple for each main part or the list of names tree. For example you can wish to create separate traffic blocking the system, around the whole traffic blocking under the yearbook of the/usr. to run (the note that on systems from UNIX the salad toward the limited front around the lists of names to distinguish, are not used, the antislashsasche with the MS-DOS.) In this case property a root traffic block you the system and haben/usr traffic blocking the system. Each traffic blocking demands the system its own partition. Therefore, if you use yourselves, must two of file system of the root and/usr you two partitions of Linux create. In addition the majority of the users creates an exchange running wall, which is used for RAM virtual. If you are concerned property for example 4 megabytes or memory on your machine and a partition 10-megabyte of the exchange, distant ash Linux of ash you property 14 megabytes or virtual memory. Linux uses the exchange area, and shifts the unused sides, or the memory outside at the plate, which permits you to run more than applications ate in the past on your system. However, because are permutating often slow, it is not an exchange for true RAM physical. Often but applications, the much require or the memory (like ash are based the window system of X) on the exchange area, if them not property enough RAM physical.

Nearly all users of Linux use an exchange running wall. If you property 4 megabytes or RAM or an exchange running wall is demanded less to install the software. One recommends to it much that you property an exchange running wall is anyhow, it, you property by large quantity or RAM physical. The size or your exchange running wall hangs off of, how much you have a virtual memory need. One often suggests it that you ate property smaller 16 megabytes or total number of virtual memory. Therefore, if you knew property 8 mégabytes or RAM physical you, because, to create around 8 megabyte the partition to permutate. It determines that there are dependent borders from platform on the size, or permutates the partitions; the partition HOWTO sees, if her, because, around an exchange divided to create more largely than 1GB. They can find more on the regulation and the plate of the theory or exchange area, which divides the mini into partition note of Linux howto, ().: there is possible however a little rus3., in order to divide exchange running walls between Linux and Windows 95 in a system of binary. For details mini mini HOWTO sees the exchange area of Linux.

If you did not install property an ide order with a partition, which goes over 504MB, there on your BIOS you the ship Linux permit can. So your being rooted running wall under 504MB keeps. This might not be a problem for the scsi Antriebskontrolleure, that normally property their cleanly it by the software packages of BIOS of drive. For the technical details mini Howto sees the large plate.

Do they mix Aland and scsi orders? Then shows outside. Their BIOS cannot permit directly you the ship at an scsi order.

Classifying by size divides to run without counting that your root and exchange running walls you, because one or more partitions will install, in order your software and local register. While in the theory you could run everything except simple enormous being rooted running wall, nearly nobody makes this. The repeated partitions have have several advantages: It often reduced the times, which were demanded for start-up time traffic blocking of system controls. Traffic-block cannot not by partition borders develop. Therefore you can use yourselves firebreaks of ash of partition borders against the programs (like the message Usenet), those, because, in order to eat enormous amounts or the plate, in order to prevent them from it, to press itself outside the area traffic necessary by your grain and the peace or your applications to block.

If you never develop a mockery prayed on your plate, a component and a simple partition is restoring less painfully than, which must again-make everything starting from zero. On large plates from today, a good device of the basis for the property, a partition of medium sized/usr (up to 300 Megohm or so), to have around the software system run and partition of/home, which the peace or your available area for the local registers occupies, has a small being rooted running wall (less than 80 Megohm). They can become more refined. If you know, them the message Usenet to run for example them be able, because a partition or a their gives it cleanly to it, in order to lead their maximum possible use of the plate. Or the partition of hat/var for the post office, message and provisional traffic blocking all create together. But in the regime from today or much approve of and very large non removable disks seem these complications necessarily for your first mechanism of Linux ever less. During your first time the simple keeps upright in particular.

The first scooter initialize the facility plate, and is at the ship boat disk, which you produced. Normally you can in measure at hand on far away of ship; the report of stressing the ship grain will fill inside after 10 seconds. There is normally, like you ship on the basis of a Alandplatte. That completely to really produce is, is this: the ship plate supplies a miniature system software that (because the hard order is not prepared), to prepare a part or its ash RAM a virtual plate mentioned loads themselves (uses rather logically RAM disk of `). the ship plate on that RAM disk a small whole, or the tools block and from mechanism traffic, which will use itself you, in order your hard order and in order a Linux production of your CD-ROM over it to install. (in periods is it was appropriate deux étape processus, which imply a second plate with the designation a plate of the root `,; this changed, if grain modules were presented.) They give the argument after the malicious grain, and can different parameters of material indicate like ash your tester to IRQ SCSI and address or drive geometry, before you initialize the grain of Linux. This can be necessary, if Linux does not determine your tester geometry of SCSI or hard drive, for example. In particular many testers demand Bios moins SCSI of to indicate to you the left address and IRQ ate the ship time. Likewise the machines of IBM PS/1, of ThinkPad and from VALUE POINT do not store drive geometry in CMOS, and you must indicate it eaten the ship time (later to be able them your production system represent, around such parameters to supply.) Observes the reports more incinérer the system initializing. They will deceive and the material will describe, which tightens your Linux mechanism. In particular, if you see property a scsi tester you a list or the centers determined of host of SCSI. See if you the SCS in CCIT hurrying: does not receive 0 then your scsi tester determined, and you will be contained property outside of the way to say to the grain where she is. In addition the information of the signalling of the system will about the propelling running walls and the devices determined. If or this wrong information or the missed ones is of it, you will force property the material statement. On the other hand, if everything goes well and your material seems to be determined, you can jump for following section, `` loading the plate with root.' ' around the material statement to force you must concern the report of the ship stressing against the appropriate parameters eaten, by using the following syntax: linux is there a number or such available parameters; we of it deceive or the in accordance with-loneliest below. The modern ship plates of Linux will often give you that the option ate ranges to the view screen before you hd=cylinders the ship assistance of heads, which describe parameters of the grain indicates drive geometry. Necessarily for systems such as ash IBM PS/1 VALUE POINT and ThinkPad. For example, if your order has 683 cylinders, 16 bosses and 32 ranges on the way seize linux at hd=683,16,32 tmc8xx=memaddr, irq indicate the address and the IRQ for the future tester of the area Tmc-8xx SCSI of Bios moins. For example it places from linux firmly the tmc8xx=0xca000,5 that the preselection 0x for all values must be used, which were given in the charm. That apply to all, or the following options indicate st0x=memaddr, irq the address and the IRQ for the tester t128=memaddr von Seagate ST02 of Bios moins, irq indicate the address, and IRQ for the tester ncr5380=port, irq, DMA (direct memory access) von Trantor T128B of Bios moins give the port, IRQ and the channel of direct entrance to the memory for NCR5380 at the general tester aha152x=port, irq, scsi_id, to 1 indicate the port, the IRQ and the scsi identification for testers Bios moins the AIC-6260. This closes Adaptec 1510 a 152x and testers of sound blowing he $ SI. If you read Linux SCSI HOWTO from the questions of the property regarding these options of start-up time please, that on any location archives of ftp von Linux to be available would have (or, where from you this document received). SCSI HOWTO explains the compatibility of Linux SCSI in much more detail.

The choice console or the mechanism X after ship, whole Linuxes current implements a program, which was aligned to facility screen, that the attempts to go interactivement you in these giving stages or assistance of the fates. They will probably receive the option, in order to try to represent to X immediately so the facility program can disappear graphically. If you select this distance, the facility program will ask you regarding your mouse and type of monitor, before it arrives in the normal mechanism. Once that you receive your installed Linux production it is saved, these agreements for you. They can grant the execution of your monitor later, thus with this education period cover themselves them to furnish for a method of the svga-640x480basis. X is not necessary for the mechanism, but (it can take over received is appropriately the mouse and monitor configuration), many people finds the graphic interface simpler to use itself. And you go, because X try anyhow to thus mention it early from the indications a certain sense. Just follows the report of stressing in the program. It will take to you into the necessary stages, in order to prepare your plate to install in order to create initial user accounts, and in order software packages except CD-ROM. In sous sections the following we will describe of it or the sectors rusés in the ash of the facility instruction, if you made them by hand. This would have to help to cover you, which it makes the facility program and why the 2nd fdisk and cfdisk your first facility scooter using once the root Linux plate is initialized, or to publish the partition tables will have to be created over your plates. Even if you had the fdisk habit, in order to install partitions in former times, you must go again now to the partition table and now insert information Linux spécifique. Over partitions from Linux to to create or publish we the version of Linux or fdiskprogramm will use ourselves or will be cfdisk, which was aligned to child screen of same family members. It determines that the argument must be to fdisk the device a whole plate (e.g./dev/sda) rather, as or its partitions (such ash/dev/sda1) corresponds. Generally the facility program will look for a board and a victim of the earlier presence partition, in order to run fdisk or cfdisk for you over it. If it is to be used the two certainly more simply, cfdisk, but of the current versions or there is likewise less tolerant or a non-existent or deformed table of the partition. Therefore you know you (particularly to find whether you install on the virgin material) this necessity to begin with fdisk at one to receive to explain, which can treat cfdisk. Cfdisk current of the attempt; if it deplores itself to proceed fdisk runs (the good kind A if you dent thing by Systemtout Linux are and cfdisk consists of using itself fdisk over to abolish everything deplores itself them left existing and then to place around it the fire upward cfdisk to publish around the empty board.) Some notes find on fdisk and on cfdisk application. Takes an argument, which is the malicious or the order, which you wish to create above from the partitions from Linux to. The names of the feed feature are fast: / dev/hda first Aland drive/dev/hdb second Aland drive/dev/sda ordered first SCSI drive/dev/sdb second itself SCSI for example to create around partitions of Linux on the first scsi order in your system you use (or your facility program could occur from a menu choice) the order: cfdisk/dev/sda, if you use yourselves fdisk or cfdisk without argument, it gives assume/dev/hda., around partitions of Linux on the second order on your system to create simply on either/dev/hdb (for Alandauftraege) or/dev/sdb (for scsi orders), if fdisk functioning. Their partitions of Linux is not the whole property on the same order. They could, because around your root to create the partition on/dev/hda the system and on/dev/hdb the exchange traffic blocks your partition, for example. In order to make fdisk or the so fair cfdisk the race once for each order. In Linux partitions a malicious given be based on the order, to which they belong. For example the first partition on drive/dev/hda the are/dev/hda1, the second are/dev/hda2 and and so on. If it property of the logical partitions it to be numbered beginning with/dev/hda5/dev/hda6 and and so on upward. They might not create partitions for the system software or abolish except Linux with fdisk or cfdisk from Linux. There is, does not create not or creates no partitions off MS-DOS with this version or fdisk; uses themselves the version or the FDISK of the MSDOS in the place. If you try to create partitions MS-DOS with fdisk from Linux to the chances are MS-DOS m identify the partition and not the ship not correctly. Here an example or fdisk, by using. The property are complete a simple partition that MS-DOS m, by using 61693 blocks on the order and the peace or the order us for Linux. freely (under Linux, a block are about 1024 bytes. Therefore 61693 blocks are approximately 61 megabytes.) We will just create two partitions in this example, exchange and instruction root. They would have to probably extend this at four partitions of Linux in agreement with the above recommendations: for the exchange for the root traffic blocks the system for the software system and a local register sector. First we use ourselves `` the order of ' ' from p to communicate the current partition table. Ash, which you can see, /dev/hda1 (the first partition on/dev/hda), is one DOS partition or 61693 blocks. Order (gentleman for aids): p disk/dev/hda: 16 heads, 38 ranges, 683 units cylinders = order cylinders or identification system/dev/hda1 blocks isolating from 608 * 512 from bytes of the device of the ship of the beginning from beginning * from 16 bits of DOS = 32M (gentleman for aids): Afterwards we use ourselves `` the order of ' ' from n to create a new partition. The being rooted running wall of Linux will be about 80 mégabytes in the size. Order (gentleman for aids): the primary partition, which was extended by e of the action p of complete order by n (1-4) p, we are invited, if we, to create because an extended or primary partition. Mostly it, because, in order to use itself the primary partitions, is, you more than four partitions on an order needs ' ' from Repartitioning see section ``, in top for more information. Partition counts (1-4): first cylinder 2 (204-683): Cylinder of 204 loads or + size or + sizeM or + sizeK (204-683): + 80M would have to be the first cylinder of the ENSUITE cylinders, where the load partition stopped. In this Fall/dev/hda1 terminated on cylinder 203 we begin the new partition in such a way eaten the ash of the cylinder 204., which you can see, if we use ourselves ' ' from the quotation ``+80M, he a partition or in the size indicates 80 mégabytes. Likewise ' ' of the quotation a partition of 80 bytes of Kilos would indicate ``+80K, and ' ' a partition of 80 bytes would just indicate to ``+80. Warning: Linux can use itself not momentarily 33090 ranges, or this partition, if you see this warning, you can it ignore. It will leave from an old restriction to concern that those of file system of Linux could be only about 64 mégabytes in the size. However with newer traffic blocking the kinds of system, the more the falling running walls are... up to 4 to be now can Terabyte in the size. Afterwards we create NR. 10 megabytes of Austauschtrennwand/dev/hda3. Commande (gentleman for aids): n order the primary partition the amount of (1-4) of the partition, which was extended by e of the action p (1-4) p: first cylinder 3 (474-683): Cylinder of 474 loads or + size or + sizeM or + sizeK (474-683): + 10m still us contents or the partition table communicating. , the complete information to determine particularly the size or each partition in the blocks is safe. They need later this information. Order (gentleman for aids): p disk/dev/hda: 16 heads, 38 ranges, 683 units cylinders = place firmly cylinders or DOS identification system/dev/hda1 blocks isolating from 608 * 512 from bytes of the device of the ship of the beginning from beginning * to of 16 bits = a-born of 32M/dev/ clock clock da2 204.204.473.82080.83 Linux native/dev/hda3 474.474.507.10336.83 Linux that the exchange running wall of Linux (, /dev/hda3 complète) has, the type of `` a-born of Linux ' '. We must change the type or the partition of the exchange in `` ' ' the exchange of Linux, so that the facility program identifies it to ash this. Around this to make order of ' ' of t use themselves fdisk ``: order (gentleman for aids): Partition counts (1-4) from t: Code of 3 charms (type l to deceive around codes): 82, if you `` l use themselves ' ', in order to deceive the kind from codes to, you will state that 82 is the kind of correspondence at the exchange of Linux. In order to continue and the changes at the partition table save fdisk use themselves `` the order of ' ' from W. in order to continue fdisk WITHOUT restaurant economics, use themselves `` the order of ' ' from q., after fdisk to have continued the system can call you again load, in order to ensure that the changes took the effect. Generally there is no reason to load again, after he used himself versions, fdisk modern, or fdisk and cfdisk are rather smart, in order to bring the partitions without reloading up to date.

The fattening partition makes a step, after you published the partition tables, eaten your facility program would have to look at it and the victim, in order to permit your exchange running wall for you. Yes so-called (this at a question rather as automatically made over the far coincidental are made, which use you a system of binary, and or your partitions of non linux to bite could to resemble around an exchange volume.) After the program will please you over that, around Linux to connect traffic block the system names (such an ash of usr/var/ausgeglichener Durchschnittszinssatz/Heim/home2 etc.....) with everyone, or the partitions of the swapswapaustausches become you to use itself. There is only a hard and fast rule for this. It must gives a root traffic blocks the system, with the designation /, and it must be ship able. It knows maliciously divides it other Linux possibly somewhat that you like. But it gives them, which will probably simplify your life later some conventions regarding, as on malicious. In former times an installed three basis partition the one small root, recommended an average software partition system and a large partition of local register covered practicing Erich. These hot became traditional usr, and/home are the malicious `/counterintuitive malicious usr a historical transmission of the days, where (many more closely) software system of UNIX and local register, which are concerned by user systems a simple partition of the non root. On the software depends on it. If you property more than a local register sector it is conventional on them/Heim, an/home2 an/home3, etc.... malicious. This can put up, if her the physical plates of property two. On my personal system for example the regulation resembles momentarily this: Traffic-block the system used by 1024-blocks were put up the on/dev/sda1, by available capacity, 30719.22337.6796 77%// dev/sda3 595663.327608.237284 58%/usr/dev/sda4 1371370.1174.1299336 0%/ o'clock ome/dev/sdb1 1000949.643108.306130 68%/home2 that the second plate (sdb1) is, not really DE/home2; the exchange running walls on sda and sdb are shown not in this signalling. But you can see that that/Heim the large free sector on sda the and/home2 are are the range or sdb the user. If it, because, in order to create a partition for the scrape, the coil, provisional, post office and again traffic blocking, call IT/var. otherwise it, because create a/usr/var and probably named/var daring symbolic will create, which steers itself again to it (the facility program can sacrifice to make around this for you).

The mechanism of the software packages once, which received you, appropriÀ???.?.e its partitions, the remainder are preparing or the mechanism would have to be nearly automatic. Their facility program (if EGA or x-are based) you by the periodic publications or the menus to lead will install, from which you permit to indicate the CD-ROM in order, the partitions at the use and and so on. Completely we will not document much or the education details or this period or device. It is or the pieces, that the majority between the distributions of Linux (the suppliers compete with traditional at the complete increase in value), but likewise the simplest part changes. And the facility programs are much art car portrait explanatory with the good up auxiliary screen beautifully.

After the mechanisms of package are complete after the mechanism, and if everything goes well, go the facility program through some options, in order to represent your system before its first ship of the hard order.

LILO are the battery charger LILO (with LInux for the battery charger of LInux mark), a program, you the Linux ship will permit (good ash of ash of other system software, such a MS-DOS of ash m) your hard order. They can be given the option or LILO to mechanism on your hard order. It is, you OS/2 runs, answers to `. OS/2 has special conditions; see the configuration, which was made on following ilo order. By installing LILO incinérez its primary battery charger characters a disk, which was separated from unnecessary ship; instead of that you can say eaten each hour ship, which C.C at the ship to LILO.

The production can a plate of the production ship by you (fakultativ), the luck be likewise given to create `` one ' ' standard of the ship plate that you can use yourselves at the ship its new installed system of Linux. (there is an older and easily less comfortable method, which means to begin that it normally DOS of ship to use itself but the ship plate around Linux.) For this you become a space bar, a MS-DOS at high density of m built up disk or the type of that need you ship also on your system. Simply the plate inserts, if spurred and a ship disk will develop. (there is not the same ash by boat disk of the mechanism, and you cannot replace the other one!) The different system configuration can the procedure mast mechanism likewise you by several articles of the menu take, which permits you to represent your system. This includes, your device of the modem and the mice indicating to good ash ash your time intervall. Follows the menu options. It can do likewise you stimuli to create user accounts or to draw a password on the root account (administration).

There. Much easier, isn't it!!